2008. 5. 3.

7th Homework

2008.04.30 - 05.02


This class was about Human-computer interaction called HCI.
There is currently no agreed upon definition of the range of topics which form the area of human-computer interaction. Yet we need a characterization of the field if we are to derive and develop educational materials for it. Therefore we offer a working definition that at least permits us to get down to the practical work of deciding what is to be taught: Human-computer interaction is a discipline concerned with the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them. HCI is just part of computer science.
However we didn’t look around HCI in it’s perspective, we did HCI in art, ethic perspective. Key point of it is that people often interact with media technologies as though the technologies were people. Then ironical thing was that HCI related to ethics. Moreover aesthetics and design do too.
Human-computer interaction studies a human and a machine in communication, it draws from supporting knowledge on both the machine and the human side. On the machine side, techniques in computer graphics, operating systems, programming languages, and development environments are relevant. On the human side, communication theory, graphic and industrial design disciplines, linguistics, social sciences, cognitive psychology, and human performance are relevant. And, of course, engineering and design methods are relevant.


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