2008. 6. 2.

11th Homework

2008.05.28 - 05.30

This week we skipping a lecture.


2008. 5. 24.

10th Homework

2008.05.21 - 05.23

"Public & Privacy"

This time we talked about "public & privacy". This time's subject was little easy to me, and very interesting. Privacy is the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information about themselves and thereby reveal themselves selectively. The boundaries and content of what is considered private differs between cultures and individuals, but share basic common themes. Privacy is sometimes related to anonymity, the wish to remain unnoticed or unidentified in the public realm. When something is private to a person, it usually means there is something within them that is considered inherently special or personally sensitive. The degree to which private information is exposed therefore depends on how the public will receive this information, which differs between places and over time. Privacy can be seen as an aspect of security one in which trade-offs between the interests of one group and another can become particularly clear.
For example, everything we did in public was replayed back to us on film, we would probably have a compulsion to leave the country. Why? Because even though we are in a public place, generally we don't wander around thinking our movements are under surveillance by others 24 hours a day - even though we can see CCTV cameras all over the high street. Even in a public place, we feel we have some privacy. But how much privacy do we actually have? We always talk about our privacy. I think privacy is really confusing things. If we try to keep our privacy, this society will crushed easier much better than this time. So, I think our privacy is really important but if we more endure about our damage our society will better society.


2008. 5. 18.

9th Homework

2008.05.14 - 05.16


This week's main idea was "Human".
But I think actually main idea was "mediation". Mediation means a form of alternative dispute resolution, also refers to appropriate dispute resolution, and aims to assist two (or more) disputants in reaching an agreement. Whether an agreement results or not, and whatever the content of that agreement, if any, the parties themselves determine rather than accepting something imposed by a third party. The disputes may involve states, organizations, communities, individuals or other representatives with a vested interest in the outcome.Mediators use appropriate techniques and skills to open and/or improve dialogue between disputants, aiming to help the parties reach an agreement (with concrete effects) on the disputed matter. Normally, all parties must view the mediator as impartial.Disputants may use mediation in a variety of disputes, such as commercial, legal, diplomatic, workplace, community and family matters.Consider a variable X that is assumed to affect another variable Y. The variable X is called the initial variable and the variable that it causes or Y is called the outcome. In diagrammatic form, the unmediated model is

The effect of X on Y may be mediated by a process or mediating variable M, and the variable X may still affect Y. Path c is called the total effect. The mediated model is

Lilke this. It was what I taughted by Dr.Yoon. This week's lesson was little difficult. Everyday I study for better speaking & listening english. But it doesn't work well. I believe that I can do it well someday. This semester is really hard to me but I'll keep trying to be a wonderful & excellent student. Always I know you went through a lot.
Thank you !


2008. 5. 10.

8th Homework

2008.05.07 - 05.09

"Computer Games "

This class was about Computer games. Thinkin about computer games I first think about 'Star Craft'. That game is only I do. And that game is very famous and people of all over the world do . A computer game (also known as a computer game or simply PC game) is a video game played on a personal computer, rather than on a video game console or arcade machine. Computer games have evolved from the simple graphics and gameplay of early titles like Spacewar!, to a wide range of more visually advanced titles.
PC games are created by one or more game developers, often in conjunction with other specialists (such as game artists) and either published independently or through a third party publisher. They may then be distributed on physical media such as DVDs and CDs, as Internet-downloadable shareware, or through online delivery services such as Direct2Drive and Steam. PC games often require specialized hardware in the user's computer in order to play, such as a specific generation of graphics processing unit or an Internet connection for online play, although these system requirements vary from game to game.
Computer games and game addiction are often the subject of criticism, focusing largely on the influence of objectionable content and prolonged gameplay on minors. The Entertainment Software Association and other groups maintain that parents are responsible for moderating their children's behaviour, although the controversy has prompted attempts to control the sale of certain games in the United States. The game that Dr.Yoon talked about in class looks like wery funny. I wanna do that game. But I'll endure because I have to do many things. :)


2008. 5. 3.

7th Homework

2008.04.30 - 05.02


This class was about Human-computer interaction called HCI.
There is currently no agreed upon definition of the range of topics which form the area of human-computer interaction. Yet we need a characterization of the field if we are to derive and develop educational materials for it. Therefore we offer a working definition that at least permits us to get down to the practical work of deciding what is to be taught: Human-computer interaction is a discipline concerned with the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them. HCI is just part of computer science.
However we didn’t look around HCI in it’s perspective, we did HCI in art, ethic perspective. Key point of it is that people often interact with media technologies as though the technologies were people. Then ironical thing was that HCI related to ethics. Moreover aesthetics and design do too.
Human-computer interaction studies a human and a machine in communication, it draws from supporting knowledge on both the machine and the human side. On the machine side, techniques in computer graphics, operating systems, programming languages, and development environments are relevant. On the human side, communication theory, graphic and industrial design disciplines, linguistics, social sciences, cognitive psychology, and human performance are relevant. And, of course, engineering and design methods are relevant.


2008. 4. 25.

6th Homework

2008.04.23 - 04.25

"Human - computer Interaction"

This week's main idea was "Human - computer Interaction".
It means like nateon, MSN messanger etc. It connect and separate people (that we learned last classes.) Understanding, Speech Understanding, Vision, Robotics, Machine Learning, Planning etc.AI is planning as a technical problem. GPS is what is known in AI as a “planner.” GPS required that a full and accurate model of the “state of the world” AI planning have a problem. And we learned about 'Direct manipulation' means what I want it can be done by computer.
Also we saw a video about Identification (hand printing, breath etc) - 'Logans Run, Gattaca, The Bourne Identiiy'. It was so amazing to me. I saw some of that movies but didn't think about their identification technology.
In the end professor said that touch pad(feedback), for easy to grabing - ing it was like - . I'm looking for it. I can't remember it. I really write and listen to class I forgot it a moment. After if I think about it I'll modify it. Thank you.


2008. 4. 13.

5th Homework


"Artificial Intelligence"

In this week We learned a liitle because we had a vote in tuesday and don't go to class.
Whatever this week's main idea is 'Artificial Intelligence'. In short word we called 'AI'. First I heard about AI in this class I think about Steven Spielberg's movie 'AI'. When I saw that movie I think 'wa, AI is such a great thing' but in the ending it is so sad and gloomy. So I don't have a good cognizance about AI.
AI is both the intelligence of machines and the branch of computer science which aims to create it. Major AI textbooks define artificial intelligence as "the study and design of intelligent agents," where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions which maximize its chances of success. AI can be seen as a realization of an abstract intelligent agent which exhibits the functional essence of intelligence. John McCarthy, who coined the term in 1956, defines it as "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines."
Marvin Minsky made a definition that artificial intelligence AI is the sciences of making machines do things that would require intelligence as if done by humans. It is just my thinking but it would be a little freaky if we actually had a computer that is just same as human beings. This week was fun than other weeks, because we saw many video files and it helps to understand. I liked this week's class style and I'm glad that i'm going better than last month(class understanding & English skills).


2008. 4. 6.

4th Homework

2008.04.02 - 04.04

"Social Network"

This week's main idea was 'Social Network'.
Then what is Social network? A social network is a social structure made of nodes (which are generally individuals or organizations) that are tied by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as values, visions, idea, financial exchange, friends, kinship, dislike.
The resulting structures are often very complex.
In last time we learned that 'When technologies connect or separate people, they become media'.And I think this is very close to Social network. Because like i heard '일촌' that is a relationship in Cyworld and it is also Social network. But if it is more lively our real relationship will be more become estranged from each other but the other sidewe can make our relationship more lively. This is both side of Social relationship.
Social network analysis views social relationships in terms of nodes and ties. Nodes are the individual actors within the networks, and ties are the relationships between the actors. There can be many kinds of ties between the nodes. Research in a number of academic fields has shown that social networks operate on many levels, from families up to the level of nations, and play a critical role in determining the way problems are solved, organizations are run, and the degree to which individuals succeed in achieving their goals.
I think we must ride ourself be pertinent to Social network, because it can make our life more plentiful or more pitiful.


2008. 3. 29.

3rd Homework

2008.03.26 - 03.28


This week we learned about World Wide Web (known as "WWW', "Web" or "W3") .

The WWW is the universe of network-accessible information, the embodiment of human knowledge. The World Wide Web began as a networked information project at CERN, where Tim Berners-Lee, now Director of the World Wide Web Consortium w3c, developed a vision of the project.
The Web has a body of software, and a set of protocols and conventions. Through the use hypertext and multimedia techniques, the web is easy for anyone to roam, browse, and contribute to. An early talk about the Web gives some more background on how the Web was originally conceived. We think about 2 questions that first is 'A collaboratively authored ' and 'Second is it is a standard'. I thaink about it and then realized WWW is so amazing project. We can live more comfortable in this information technology because of WWW and we always use this project each time, each day. In this week, I miss many things(in my class) beacase of my insufficient eng skill but I'll try and study for 100% understanding.


2008. 3. 22.

2nd Homework

2008.03.19 - 03.21


This week we learned about Hypertext.
Hypertext is a a coined word that consist of 'Hyper(is used to form adjectives that describe someone as having a lot or too much of a particular quality)', 'text(is any written material)'.
Hypertext is text which contains lnks to other texts. The term was coined by Ted Nelson around 1965 . HyperMedia is a term used for hypertext which is not constrained to be text: it can include graphics, video and sound , for example. Apparently Ted Nelson was the first to use this term too. For example, while reading a document about Mozart, you might click on the phrase Violin Concerto in A Major, which could display the written score or perhaps even invoke a recording of the concerto. Clicking on the name Mozart might cause various illustrations of Mozart to appear on the screen. The icons that you select to view associated objects are called Hypertext link or buttons. If I understood about Hypertext this example will be correct. I think Hypertext systems are particularly useful for organizing and browsing through large databases that consist of disparate types of information. I think Hypertext is a amazing technologies that human made and these technologies make us life more useful and abundant.


2008. 3. 15.

1st Homework

2008.03.12 - 03.14

"Welcome to present"

At first class, We make a point to 'connect', 'seperate', 'embody'.
In digital media thchnologies connect or seperate people and they becomes media. And that thchnologies embody many special quality. For knowing about a general idea of 'connect' , 'seperate', we learn about car. A car connect here(place 1) and there(place2) and seperate inside & outside. Also we learn about a general idea of 'switches', 'connectors' that two building blocks of computers.

''As we may think"

Vannevar bush said logic can become enormously difficult, and it would undoubtedly be well to produce more assurance in its use. And the machines for higher analysis have usually been equation solvers. Ideas are beginning to appear for equation transformers, which will rearrange the relationship expressed by an equation in accordance with strict and rather advanced logic.

So he propose a design machine that has a feature like selection by association. That machine can pick the most important information usefully. He called this machine Memex. It is a simpler form of memory extender.
